Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution-2012!

A lot of people make New Year's resolutions- losing weight, eating healthy, not cheating on their spouse, getting a new job... etc.  I have never much prescribed to this practice, believing that MOST resolutions are like campaign promises- they start strong then fizzle out!

However, for 2012- I have made a resolution: to spend more time providing medical care than receiving it.  2011 started for me with pain from an old back injury.  In June, a patient's actions caused a sprain to two of my fingers.  In August, I had a bout with Lyme disease.  In September, I was in an ambulance accident.  In October, I was hit by a minivan and broke three bones, my pride, and spent just about two weeks admitted to facilities.  In the same week in December, I had food poisoning and kidney stones...

I actually think, unlike the typical campaign promise, I can follow through on this...and yes it involves another resolution- to work on myself and my own health and well-being...who's with me?

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